We have three member nominated trustee vacancies opening soon. Visit our new webpages to learn more about how it all works and how you could get involved.
The RWE Group Trustees, a dedicated board of 12, bring together unique voices, experience and commitment to help safeguard your interests and guide the RWE Group’s future.
Made up of current and former employees of RWE, the Group Trustees represent you – they are appointed by the company or nominated by fellow members, just like you. Each Group Trustee brings a new perspective helping to ensure that the RWE Group remains secure for all its members.
The role of the Group Trustees goes beyond just overseeing investments. Working with a team of advisers on your behalf the Group Trustees apply the formal rules to manage the RWE Group. They represent over 24,000 members and have a duty to treat members fairly and equally, without favouring any particular individual, sector or group of members.
In carrying out their duties the Group Trustees help to ensure:
that members receive their benefits in line with the formal rules;
that benefits are paid on time;
that expenses are controlled; and
the assets (over £4 billion) are managed responsibly.
As part of their role the Group Trustees also work closely with the company to monitor the companies sponsoring the RWE Group to help ensure the RWE Group is appropriately supported and funded.
Being a Group Trustee doesn’t mean you need to have a finance background or be a pensions expert. Technical training, professional assistance and ongoing support will be provided from the start. However, you will need enthusiasm and commitment to fulfil this challenging and rewarding role.
If you are an active or pensioner member of the RWE Group and you are interested in standing to become a Group Trustee please contact the Group Administrator for a nomination pack.
Before you complete your nomination you should consider the skills and commitment required and whether you have the time to dedicate to this role. Further information is provided in the nomination pack. Potential candidates will be asked to attend a briefing session to learn more about the role, how the RWE Group works and the level of commitment required.
Details about the nomination process, the nomination deadline and any briefing sessions are included in the nomination pack.
Open to new possibilities, to Act with purpose, and Power-Up the future of the RWE Group? Register your interest by contacting the Group Administrator by:
Email: GArwe@trusteesolutions.co.uk
Phone: 07787 273476